Saturday, April 30, 2011

my yogi.

Perhaps I did too much yoga while pregnant, because I think Rhys is doing yoga. Would this be up-dog or plank position?

Or maybe he's trying to show me how tall he is. He can't stand but he can stretch way up on his tippy toes.

Or he could be playing London Bridge is falling down...

I guess he could be learning to crawl. Should I tell him he's doing it wrong?


We had a great Easter this year. Ella taught us the Easter story in Family Home Evening--I was truly impressed by how much she knew. Ella and Eli spent the week before Easter practicing hiding and finding plastic eggs. Eli gave his binkis to the Easter Bunny (!!!). And Chris even made it home from his night shift in time to join in the Easter egg hunt.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We recently went to the Pima County Fair. We watched the Sea Lion show, checked out the live stock and "helped" Farmer John (the children get to harvest fake vegetables, fruit, and eggs, and even milk a fake cow).

These are all very fun, but it wouldn't be the fair without...


The petting zoo:

Riding an elephant:

Actually this was the first time we've done the elephant ride, but it was pretty cool.

And now I have the urge to watch "State Fair."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Rhys update

Rhys is now six months old. I can't believe how big my baby is already.

This was taken on our walk to pick Ella up from preschool. I was sure he'd stay awake...

Rhys can stay in a sitting position, but cannot get into a sitting position on his own.

I love this picture for many reasons. First is his hair. Rhys always has hair sticking up. Second is that he looks like he's been caught doing something he shouldn't be eating food instead of nursing. I had a hard time coping with him starting to eat "real" food, but now I've come to terms with it.

Enjoying his first swing ride.

Rhys is showing me more each day how he is different from his older brother and sister. Case in point: he rolls over as a form of mobility. Ella and Eli would only roll over if they were on their stomachs and wanted to be on their backs. Rhys rolls all over the house. I love it!

I love my baby Rhys.