Monday, April 09, 2007

Avoiding Tularemia during Easter

Happy spring everyone!

Ella and I love that the weather is warmer. If you check out our Flickr link you will see us enjoying our break from the indoor entrapment we suffered through the cold winter. =)

Actually, it is difficult to coax Ella to spend any time at all indoors. She insists on being outside during all of her waking hours. As a result we have discovered many new parks, and have used up a lot of sidewalk chalk. We are grateful for our neighbor's slide and our backyard swing. We are also glad that we live in a neighbor hood with very little automotive traffic, allowing us to attempt to walk around the block (we have no sidewalks).

Easter was fun here at the Williams' home. Ella wore a very frilly Easter dress to church, and all three of us wore a matching shade of purple. The Easter Bunny even stopped by durring Ella's nap. Ella was pleasantly surprised to find fruit snacks in the plastic "ovals" she found in the living room. Even Chris was surprized to find a bag of purple starburst jelly beans the Easter Bunny hid especially for him.

As Promised: Here's the video of the aforementioned