Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tucsonan Raider

I think people from Tucson should be called Tucsonites. It just flows better. Or maybe Tucsonian. But nope, it's Tucsonan. It sounds as awkward as it looks in writing. But people here are just unique that way, I'm finding. This label was one of the first, vital pieces of information I was sent about the area before arriving to test drive the Emergency Medicine program. Then I got to thinking, I wonder if George Lucas got the idea of a "Tuskan Raider" from these south Arizona dwelling people.  But aside from living in a desert, that's about all they have in common.  Maybe not.  (And yes, I know that the planet of Tattoine was filmed in Tunisia--thanks for the correction, Ra'anan.)

I have today off and thought I'd catch up on some blogging and video editing.  In between these nerdly activities, I'm hiking around the West Saguaro National Park.  It's beautiful.  Yes, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself out here--aside from the crushing loneliness--and I like the change of scenery and culture from St Louis.  People are friendlier; you can order food at a drive-thru and the attendant doesn't make you feel like you just woke them up and ruined their day.  And of course, I love the Mexican influence.

The work is great!  I already knew I liked Emergency Medicine.  I knew I would enjoy never knowing what the day would hold for me and to be constantly learning.  But I'm still amazed at how many cool stories and interesting cases I'm seeing regularly.  It's very motivating.  

In just 87 hours from when this is being written, I will finally be able to see my girls.  I miss being around Mal & Ella.  I think I understand what many of you have mentioned about needing your "Ella-fix."  Well, the following videos will have to do.  I think they're pretty satisfying though.


Monday, September 10, 2007

let's makeup

To make up for the short length of this blog entry, I've added a new Ella video. She's at that stage where she copies just about everything we do. She has also learned the word "no" and loves to use it:

Me: Ella, do you like to say, 'no'?

Ella: No.

Me: You do?

Ella: No.

Me: Can you say anything other than 'no'?

Ella: No.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Ella loves Princess Ariel. Several times a day she requests that I sing the Ariel song (Part of Your World) or read the Ariel book to her. Occasionally I can coax her to listen to the story of a different princess--usually Cinderella. Ella now refuses to sleep or ride in the car without her princess book. It is an interesting comfort object, but if she is happy so am I.

Why the sudden interest in Ariel? It began when her loving father thought she would enjoy watching the movie since it has fish in it and Ella likes fish. He was right, she very much enjoyed the movie, but it was not the fish that she loved. Now when she talks one of us into letting her watch the princess movie (she tries every day) she wants us to skip the beginning of the movie and jump right to Ariel singing.

It is a cute little obsession she has. Cute until I go crazy from singing that song over and over...