Saturday, June 09, 2012

We are Aquacats

 Ella is an Aquacat.  Translation:  Ella is on the Portland swim team.

She has been practicing with the team for two weeks now and LOVES it.   We bike to the pool every morning (Tues-Fri) and recently Ella has started running around the half mile track once or twice with her friends before practice begins.  I see a triathlon in her future...

Today was her first meet.  Ever.

She was really excited-until we arrived at the pool, then she was scared stiff.  No, really, scared stiff.  She stood still and I had to push her forward toward the pool where her team was warming up.  We talked about the whole no pressure thing.  We talked about going home.  We talked about just cheering on her team and not competing.  But she was determined to swim; she just wouldn't get into the water.

Then her friend Addie came over and we talked Ella into getting into the water and racing Addie just like in practice.  Thankfully she was willing to get into the water, because as soon as she did she felt better. 

 Here is Ella holding the cards for her events:

When it was Ella's turn to go to the waiting bench she asked me how many races she had to do.  Trying to be a good mom I told her she didn't HAVE to do any of them.  She said that she didn't want to do any.  So then I changed my mind and told her she had to do at least one.  She was willing to do the one and walked willingly over to the waiting bench.  (phew)

Ella's first event was the 25 meter back stroke.  I think this was a perfect way to start her racing career because she didn't have to dive in (for the backstroke you start in the water).  I was afraid that if she had to dive in she would have frozen on the block and missed the race.

Ella is in the lane farthest away:

 When her first event was over she was a changed little girl.  All of a sudden swim meets were her most favorite thing and she was excited for her next race.  I am very grateful to her friend Addie who encouraged her and praised her.  (Addie is a year younger than Ella, but has been on a swim team all winter and is a veteran racer.  Her calm nonchalance about the race helped Ella a lot.)

Here is Ella and her friend, Addie:

Ella's next race was the 25 meter freestyle.  She loves the freestyle stroke.  She decided to "dive" off the side of the pool rather than the block and did a wonderful job swimming.  In every race she swam she was against Addie and another girl from the opposing team, the Santa Fe Manta Rays.

Ella has been practicing breathing on the side and I could see she has improved a lot.

We thought Ella was done racing after her second event, but she was called over again to swim in a 100 freestyle relay.  She was so excited to get to swim again!  She was the second swimmer and did a great job.

 There she goes...

It is always fun to watch your children grow and overcome fears and enjoy wholesome activities.  I had a lot of fun cheering Ella on today and am so proud she was willing to get in that pool. 

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