Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A white Christmas!

Yes, you read the title of this post correctly. We had a white Christmas in Tucson!

Well, we had a white Christmas in our living room anyway. I spent all of my spare time in the weeks before Christmas (which doesn't add up to very much time actually) cutting out paper snowflakes and making snowflake window clings. I kept my plans a secret then started setting up the indoor blizzard after Chris left for work on Christmas Eve.

I had a lot of fun and stayed up way too late. And now I need to convince myself that it is time to take down the snow storm. It is 70 degrees outside.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh my fabulousness! I LOVE your snow storm! Maybe we'll have one next year? It looks like it was a ton of work. You are to artistic - those are some killer flakes! Before you throw them away, give me a call, crafty lady!