I just had the most brilliant idea ever...
I've never been a big fan of Jam or Jelly. In fact I can only handle raspberry preserves and still I try to put on the least amount possible (you know, just enough to add a little moisture to my sandwich.) Jams and other preserves are laden with sugar. And they ruin the bread if you don't eat it right a way. (Who wants a soggy sandwich?)
Recently I had this epiphany: jams and jellies and preserves are not normal. Nope. They are called preserves for a reason. Their purpose is to keep fruit preserved in the jar for the winter months when fruit is not available. But now-a-days fruit is always available. So why are we still eating jams and jellies? WHY?
Really my question is: Why not use actual fruit instead of the jams I obviously loath?
Now, I know that some people do use bananas in lieu of jam. (I've always thought that was weird. Bananas add no moisture to a peanut butter sandwich. ) I've never known anyone to use strawberries instead of strawberry jam, or grapes instead of grape jelly. But you can not claim the same naivety now because I am the person you know who uses actual fruit on her sandwich instead of jam. And guess what?! It's really good that way.
Today I used grapes in my sandwich. I cut them in half and put them cut sides down on top of the peanut butter then covered them with the second piece of bread. It was fantastic.
Why did it take me so long to come up with this?
And now I won't feel guilty when I claim the fruit on my sandwich as one of my fruit servings for the day. Bonus!
You are so... YOU. Love this post, totally cracked me up. Enjoy your sandwich!
I have an even better idea. first, get rid of the peanut butter. yuck. second get rid of the bread. (that part is just filler anyway) then you are left with all of the really good parts of the sandwich. the fruit. yum.
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